hosting that scales from easy to expert

Based in our private datacenter that is a remodeled 120 year old bank

120-Year-Old Bank Building

The company’s management setup shop in a historic bank building that was an active FDIC-insured branch until moving directly across the street into a new building. Trust that your data is safe and secure.


Our technology department works to help people find exactly the product they need. If there is no such product, we create it and do everything possible to find winning solutions that work for our customers.

Cutting-Edge Fiber Optic NET

We are a team of young and active guys providing first aid for clients. Phones are nearby, computers are on, mail is checked every 5 minutes. So feel free to write and call at any convenient time – we will tell, show, help!

system administrators

We upgrade software, back up databases, compile kernels, fix bugs, parse logs, and we also know how Gentoo differs from Ubuntu, and we know exactly “why it doesn’t work” and who has “crooked hands”. We do not use Windows, but in our free time we patch KDE for FreeBSD.

high network speed

Our focus is fast hosting based on modern technologies and our principles of work without bureaucracy. This allows us to offer great deals on cutting-edge service offerings. We do not sell magical “unlimited plans” and “sky-high features” knowing that our customers rely on our stability and speed.

Fast & Scalable

The wholesale provider for our fiber uplinks powers the main fiber backbone for South Dakota. Need to grow? Our network can be customized to your project requirements.